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Liability Waiver


Festival of The Delphic Games, Sacred Topographies: The Body and The Land, divisions of the Isadora Duncan International Institute, Inc., in accepting bookings for the tour, clearly stipulates that it is not liable for the faults and defaults of other companies and persons that may be used in the carrying out of the tour services, nor for viruses, accidents, baggage losses, delays, strikes, sickness, political unrest, riots and acts of God and war. In the event it becomes necessary or advisable for the comfort and wellbeing of the participants for any reason whatsoever to alter the itinerary or arrangements, such alterations may be made without penalty to the operator. Additional expenses, if any, shall be borne by the passengers. The right is also reserved to withdraw the tour; also to decline to accept or retain any persons as members of the tour. No refund can be made for absence from the tour unless arrangements are made at the time of booking. Further the participant agrees that the Isadora Duncan International Institute, Inc., is not responsible for any property loss or general liability and that the participant waives any and all legal claims as a result of any injuries, illness or aggravation of preexisting condition, whether caused by workshops, travel, or by any known or unknown physical condition or the premises or any act of a third party.


The Isadora Duncan International Institute, Inc. is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt educational organization under IRS section 501 (c)(3).

Photo Release & Authorization



It is hereby agreed by and between the Isadora Duncan International Institute, Inc., (hereinafter “IDII”) and (hereinafter “Participant(s)”) that the Participant(s) consents without payment to the photographing, filming or audio recording of the Participant(s) by IDII, its photographer, successors, agents and any and all persons and companies acting with the authority or permission of IDII the right and permission to copyright and/or use and/or publish pictures, film, sound recording of the Participant(s) for publicity, promotional or educational purposes. The Participant(s) hereby waives the right to inspect and/or approve the finished product(s) or the printed matter that may be used in conjunction herewith. In giving this consent, the Participant(s) releases IDII from any violation of any personal or proprietary right in connection with the foregoing use.


Isadora Duncan International Institute, Inc.

150 E 61st St., Suite 11D | New York, New York 10065 - - 845-687-4183

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