Jeanne Bresciani & The Isadora Duncan International Institute Dancers
The dances preserved and enlivened by the dancers of this institute stem from Isadora Duncan, the mother,
matriarch and matrix of Modern Dance via the complete American lineage in performance from Maria-Theresa,
Anna and Irma Duncan and pedagogical influence from Anita Zahn. Maria-Theresa Duncan, the adopted
daughter of Isadora, the “last dancing Isadorable,” continued in her art fifty years beyond her adoptive sisters to
found the Isadora Duncan International Institute (IDII) in 1977.

Jeanne Bresciani Has Been Hailed By The International Press As:
“The foremost interpreter of Duncan’s dance in North America”
“The Divine in Motion”
“The keeper of the Duncan Flame”
“The standard bearer of the Duncan tradition”
“A force to be reckoned with”
“Dynamo of the Dance”
“The essence of the reincarnation of Isadora Duncan”
“The true heiress of Isadora Duncan’s intuitions and revolutionary ideas”
“If there is a style called ‘Neo-classical Avant-garde’, Jeanne Bresciani is the living embodiment of it.”

The IDII Dancers, Resident Ensemble Company,
Performs to Great Acclaim:
“Isadora, Adored…” 2011
“Placed in a garden or simply on a lawn, Duncan’s dances swell in meaning. They grow from
miniatures of beauty to vessels that retain the secrets of the universe…” 2005
“Performing to a sold-out house, the Chopin works were breathtakingly performed by Bresciani
and company, dancing with intense emotion that elegantly expressed a panoply of feelings,
leaving the audience in a trance.” 2012
“All conspired to forge an unforgettable experience in works by Bresciani and Duncan at
Kaatsbaan with Bresciani and Company delivering the mythic and the magical in Isis to Isadora.”
Jerome L. Greene Foundation -Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation - Trust for Mutual Understanding - National Endowment for the Arts - Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation
Hearst Corporation - New York State Council for the Arts - The Billy Rose Foundation - Private Donors
Recent Performances
Isadora Duncan & The Oracular Voice of Beauty
June 20th, 2024
The National Arts Club
New York, New York
L’Abbraccio della Duse alla Duncan
An original dance theater play
Teatro Duse, Asolo, Italy
May 26th, 2024
Teatro Rainerum, Bolzano, Italy
May 28th, 2024
Isadora Duncan & The Muses Among Us
Villa di Maser
May 24th, 2024
Maser, Italy
Isadora: In Filtering Light
The Glamorous Amorous in Hollywood Classic Cinema
Save Venice Los Angeles Celebration
February 16th, 2024
Dawnridge, Beverly Hills
Gabriele D’Annunzio & Isadora Duncan:
Il Fuoco della Vita
June 8th, 2023
Il Vittoriale degli Italiani, Gardone Riviera, Italy
Da Antonio Canova a Isadora Duncan:
Un Eterno Fulgore
June 4th, 2023
Tempio Canoviano, Possagno, Italy
Venetian Reflections
February 19th, 2023
Palazzo Labia
Venice, Italy
Isadora Duncan In Leonine Spirit
February 27th, 2019 & February 18th, 2023
Circolo Societa dell’Unione di Venezia
Venice, Italy
Winnaretta Singer and Isadora Duncan in
‘Realization’ of Art, Love & Life
La Fondation Singer-Polignac & Les Amis de Winnaretta Singer
2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023
Palazzo Contarini-Polignac
Venice, Italy
Lincoln Center - The British Museum - The Phillips Collection - Winnipeg Art Gallery - The Delphi Museum - The Pushkin Library - Smithsonian Institute - Wagner Society - Goethe House - The Dante Alighieri Society - Terni Opera House - Spoleto Festival - Rhineland Castles & Throne Room Tour - The Joyce Theatre - The New Parthenon, Tokyo - Massey Hall - National Theatre, Rio de Janeiro - Teatro Nuovo, Torino - National Dance Theatre, Budapest - Gioventu Musicale Italiana, Bergamo - Teatro Carcano, Milan - Vignale Danza - Kaatsbaan International Dance Center - Palazzo Pisani Moretta - Palazzo Contarini Polignac - Villa Pisani, Stra - Teatro Comunale di Vicenza - Seoul Olympic Festival - United Nations General Assembly - The Chopin Museum - The Museum of Romanticism, Poland
Archaeological Sites throughout Greece & Sicily