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Festival Schedule

Delphi Palace Hotel 

Address: Apollonos 69, Delfi 330 54, Greece | Phone: +30 2265 082151

Sunday. May 22nd


7:30 PM - Opening Banquet in Convivium | Delphi Palace Veranda

Introductions from Presenters Seeking Collaboration | Vince Gagliardi, Cynthia Word, Ravenna Wilde, Edouard Lestournelle, Jeanne Bresciani



Monday, May 23rd 


7:00 - 9:00 AM - Breakfast | Delphi Palace Breakfast Room


9:15 - 10:45 AM - “Revival Pythia - Renaissance of Humanism” - Keynotes

Panos Kaltsis, Founder and President, Delphic Ecumentical Union

 Zoie Lafis, Festival Co-Chair,  Executive Director, Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies 

Jeanne Bresciani, Festival Founding Chair,  Artistic Director, Isadora Duncan International Institute


Further Remarks:

Pr. Paris Katsivelos - Pr. in European Communication Institut, University Kremps

Vicky Tsianika, Journalist ERT, MSc in Drama and Performing Arts

Lena Kyropoulos, Journalist BCI MEDIA & Association of European Journalists, General Secretary and Ambassadress of E.D.U., Candidate for MSc Journalism

11:00 - 12:30 PM - “At Origins” - Jeanne Bresciani, Ph.D., Festival Founding Chair, Artistic Director, Isadora Duncan International Institute | Delphi Palace Studio. Movement


LUNCH - on own (Box Lunches will be available for paid pre-order nightly for pickup the next day. See Hotel front desk for order form.)


2:00 - 5:00 PM - "Sacred Topography: The Body & The Land - The Power of Place" Delphi Archaeological Museum & Site Group Visit with Seminar | Group Outing. Outdoor Wear. Please meet in the Lobby to Depart.

6:00 - 7:00 PM - Let the Games begin! Singing Pindar's Pythian Ode 1, "Golden Lyre of Apollo” - Bettina Joy de Guzman, multi-instrumentalist and Classicist | Delphi Palace Studio


8:00 PM  - Dinner | Delphi Palace Veranda


8:00 PM -  “Cultural Diplomacy”  - Michael Patentalis, Dipl. for European Civilization, Systemic and Family Therapist, Author, President for Greek Authors in Germany | Delphi Palace Veranda. Greek Language 


8:30 PM -  “The Media Contribution to Cultural Communication” - Saia Tsaousidou, International President of Association European Journalists  Delphi Palace Veranda. Greek Language


Tuesday, May 24th 


7:00 - 9:00 AM - Breakfast | Delphi Palace Breakfast Room


9:00 - 9:20 AM - “Training My Cells for Peaceful Living in the World Around” - Vicky Tsianika, Journalist ERT, MSc in Drama and Performing Arts


9:30 - 11:00 AM - “Sensing Divinity: On Ancient Greek Spirituality" - Dr. Christoph Quarch, Philosopher, Author, Founder of The New Platonic Academy | Delphi Palace Veranda

11:15 - 12:45 PM - “Sappho and Isadora: Once Again This Time” - Cynthia Word, Soloist, Choreographer and Founding Director, Word Dance Theater | Delphi Palace Studio. Movement


LUNCH - on own (Box Lunches will be available for paid pre-order nightly for pickup the next day. See Hotel front desk for order form.)


During Lunch 1:30 - 2:00 PM  - “Media & Literature Bridges” &  “Recitation of Poems in Indian & Greek” - Lena Kyropoulos, General Secretary and Ambassadress of E.D.U., Candidate for MSc Journalism Connection with Mr. Bijender Goel TMPG & H.E. Mr. Amrit Lugun,  Ambassadors Greece & India | Delphi Palace Veranda

2:00 - 3:30 PM - "Elements of Performance" - Mary DiSanto-Rose, Ed.D., Dance Educator and Reconstructionist, Skidmore College | Delphi Palace Studio. Movement


3:45 - 4:45 PM - “Ripples: Duncan & Wilde” Open Reading - Ravenna Wilde, Author and Playwright | Delphi Palace Veranda

5:00 - 5:20 PM - “Theater as Therapy” - Stratis Panourios, Theatre Director, Filmmaker, Playwright and Actor. | Delphi Palace Veranda


7:30 - 9:00 PM - Museum of the Delphic Festivals Lighting Ceremony & Evening Performances - Featuring Paris Katsivelos, Sandra Voulgari, Andriana Papanicolaou and Vince Gagliardi


9:30 PM - Dinner | Symposium Restaurant 



Wednesday, May 25th 


7:00 - 9:00 AM - Breakfast | Delphi Palace Breakfast Room


9:30 - 11:00 AM - “The Pythian Games: The Real Modern Olympic Games" - Jeffrey O. Segrave, Ph.D., Olympic and Pythian Games Specialist, David H. Porter Endowed Chair, Skidmore College | Delphi Palace Veranda


11:15 - 12:45 PM -  “The Sons & Daughters of Prometheus” - Jeanne Bresciani, Ph.D., Festival Founding Chair, Artistic Director, Isadora Duncan International Institute | Delphi Palace Studio. Movement


LUNCH - on own (Box Lunches will be available for paid pre-order nightly for pickup the next day. See Hotel front desk for order form.)


2:00 - 6:00 PM - "The Corycian Cave: In Resonance of a Rapport Everlasting" Site Visit & Seminar with Live Music by Bettina Joy de Guzman | Group Outing. Movement/Hiking. Please meet in the Lobby to Depart.


8:00 PM  - Dinner | Delphi Palace Veranda



Thursday, May 26th 


7:00 - 9:00 AM - Breakfast | Delphi Palace Breakfast Room


9:30 - 10:30 AM -  “Self-knowledge in Socrates” - Pr. Vassilis Karasmanis, Author, Professor of  Philosophy, Former Director of European Culture Center | Delphi Palace Veranda

10:45 - 11:45 PM - “The Greek Logos” - Pr. Paris Katsivelos - Pr. in European Communication Institut, University Kremps | Delphi Palace Veranda


LUNCH - on own (Box Lunches will be available for paid pre-order nightly for pickup the next day. See Hotel front desk for order form.)


2:00 - 3:00 PM - “The Art of Improvisation - Jazz Improv and Artificial Intelligence” - Dimitri Vassilakis, Internationally Acclaimed Greek Saxophonist, Vocalist, Composer and Educator | Delphi Palace Studio. Movement

3:15 - 4:15 PM - "Enwrapped & Enraptured" - Draping Workshop with Zoie Lafis, Festival Co-Chair, Executive Director, Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies | Delphi Palace Studio. Movement

7:30 - 9:00 PM - Delphic Palace Amphitheater Festival Performance featuring Jeanne Bresciani & The Isadora Duncan International Institute Dancers with Full Movement Choirs 


9:30 PM  - Celebratory Banquet in Convivium | Symposium Restaurant 


Friday, May 27th 


7:00 - 9:00 AM - Breakfast | Delphi Palace Breakfast Room

9:30 - 11:00 AM - "Just Breathe for the Health of It",  Sleep Disordered Breathing From the Cradle to the Rocker! - Dr. Gary DiSanto-Rose, Fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry

11:15 - 12:45 PM - "Primitive Expression" - Elena Michailou, Musician and Dance Therapist Specializing in Orff Schulwerk | Delphi Palace Studio. Movement


LUNCH - on own (Box Lunches will be available for paid pre-order nightly for pickup the next day. See Hotel front desk for order form.)


2:00 - 3:30 PM - "Delphiade” Youth Laureate Experience - Edouard Lestournelle with Celeste Royo-Schottland | Delphi Palace Studio. Movement


4:30 - 7:00 PM - Open Rehearsals + 3D Imaging with Vince Gagliardi | Delphi Palace Studio. Movement


7:30 - 9:00 PM - Culminating Festival Performance & Movement Choir | Delphi Palace Amphitheater featuring Dimitri Vassilakis, Word Dance Theater & others  


9:30 PM - Dinner | Delphi Palace Veranda


Saturday, May 28th 


6:00 AM - Group Bus Departure for Athens International Airport | Purchase Here


Isadora Duncan International Institute, Inc.

150 E 61st St., Suite 11D | New York, New York 10065 - - 845-687-4183

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